Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Chasing Joy Guest Post.....

Hey of my good friends invited me to do a guest piece for her blog....I was so giddy because she is one of the main reasons why I blog today, along with my 2 sisters if MAZ ( Aliya & Z) with this offer I could not refuse. I sat and just started writing. For my Shiners who are getting to know me I have a passion for positivity, and I plan on seeing it through to the fullest! It may not stop at the blog....this may spread in a major way and you will be apart of it all. You Shiners are the puzzle pieces to the masterpiece! I am honored to know you, and for my silent readers I would like to hear from you as well....don't be silent, I encourage you to reach out....tell me who you are so we can connect and shine even brighter. But for today, Skip on over to Chasing Joy's blog and see my guest piece. In addition....check out her blog and show her some amazing love! Trust me she is awesome.
If you want to contact me you can always and I mean always drop me a line and we can connect!
 See you Shiners soon! And remember to always Shine On


Louise Hernan said...

Hello Miss P - I just read your guest post on the Chasing Joy blog. Very nice!! I also listened to her video and she's really sweet, isn't she. I certainly enjoyed you both!! :)

Chasing Joy said...

Ms. Positivity, Thank you for honoring me with your guest post. it is awesome reading other people's take on Chasing Joy.

Chasing Joy said...

Louise, Thanks for checking out my video. Visit Chasing Joy again :-)

Chasing Joy said...

Louise, Thanks for checking out my video. Visit Chasing Joy again :-)