Saturday, April 13, 2013

Don't Be There Sponge....


  Hey, Hey Shiners & Shinettes….I pray that everyone is well!

When it comes to sponges, I love them when I first get them because they are all fresh and clean, I even get some with fancy designs as well.  However, after a few uses they are so gross and have to be discarded.  Sponges carry so many germs and if one keeps using them, they will just continue to spread the nasty germs.  Now how does this pertain to being positive? 

Alright, here goes….I know that we all know someone who chooses to inflict his or her negativity on us; it may even be a family member (germs).  Here is the deal Shiners & Shinettes, YOU do not have to be there sponge and absorb their germs of negativity that they want to impose on you.  If you happen to be that sponge, they slowly begin to poison your positive surface and their negativity will start to seep deeper under the surface.  When this begins to happen, it starts to change us and not for the better.  You can refuse to be a part of their negativity.  YOU are strong enough not to let it happen; YOU are strong enough to not let it affect you.  YOU do not have to be there dirty little sponge.  Keep your positivity shield on and keep those negativity germs at bay. 

Your past is the past; however, those negativity germs will keep trying to get you to absorbing them.  A mistake that happened years ago, is finished, those negativity germs will keep trying to get you to reabsorb that as well.  ****WE have been forgiven****, and WE shall NOT allow ourselves to reabsorb the negativity germs that are trying desperately spread through our minds, bodies, and spirits!  WE WILL NOT BE THERE NEGATIVE GERMY SPONGE! We will continue to Positively Shine Bright!

Ms. Positivity

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Be CERTAIN of who YOU are....


Hey Hey Shiners and Shinettes….I pray all is well with everyone.  I am just going to jump right in because this post is very important.

As the days of this year go by, I have come to realize who I am.  I know the basics, my name, age, height, weight, and where I came from.  However, what I mean by I know who I am is, I am certain who I am.  I am certain that I am Melissa, smart, caring, motivating, inspiring, motherly, compassionate and much more.  Many times, I feel that we know the basics, but deep down we are having an identity crisis.  What I mean by identity crisis is that, we forget to see ourselves as unique.  We start seeing ourselves through the eyes of others but not through our own beautiful eyes.  On top of that, we begin to place limiting boxing all around us as if we have forgotten who we are.

Well I am here to make things very clear….BE CERTAIN of who YOU ARE!!! Do not sit and allow another to provide you with negative thoughts of who you are when you already know WHO YOU ARE.  Many times, one will make you forget who YOU are because they do not want you to rise above and be great.  This is when the identity crisis begins to take root.  It is time to get the gardening tools and cut off all of the negative roots.  See Shiners and Shinettes, it all comes down YOUR mindset and not the mind of another. 

In the Lords eyes, we are wonderfully made, so why do we start looking at ourselves as junk and with uncertainty?  WE have to be certain who we are.  We have to seal up all of the cracks that may allow negativity to slip in and wreak havoc over how we look at ourselves or what we can do or not do.  We are WORLD changers, so “WE” should Speak it-Claim it- and EXPECT it!!! 

So I am asking from this day forth, no longer have an identity crisis, do not compare yourself through worldly standards.  Renew your mind, and stop allowing the enemy to keep making you uncertain, because you know JUST WHO YOU ARE!

Ms. Positivity

Friday, February 8, 2013

You Can’t….OH YES YOU CAN!


Hey there Shiners and Shinettes, I am so glad to be here with you once again!

Many times, we speak these hindering words of “I CAN’T”.  These words are so hindering to our lives that I wish that it would just disappear.  I have murmured this statement so many times in my life that I could have a small fortune if I were saving up.  How many of you can admit that?  Well one day I sat back and said; why am I so afraid to do something?  Is it because I want validation from others or when I run an idea past another, I would not get the response that I desired.  As I said, I ONCE lived that afraid-life full of “I Can’t”.  Hey, as the saying goes…I’ve been there done that…but NOT ANYMORE!!

Well darlings I am here to let you know that it is time…it is time for YOU to let go of “I can’t”.  I understand that there are some things that we are not able to do at that moment, and maybe we have to plan better so that we CAN accomplish some things, however, to say we CAN’T leads to I Haven’t and then giving up.  Can we afford to give up on ourselves? Uhhhh NO!

 We have invested so much into ourselves and many times, we just don’t follow through.  Is that what we stand for?  I am sure that is NOT what we stand for.  I know that we have dreams, and plans.  I know that WE are not weak and WE CAN do anything that WE put our minds to do.
I went from I Can’t, to I CAN, and I did.  WE can do anything as long as we do not hinder ourselves with self-doubt.  If we focus on US and not trying to obtain approval to see what another will say we will be able to achieve so much more.

I know that YOU can get that job.
I know that YOU can get your degree.
I know that YOU can be a homeowner.

How do I know?? I know because I could and I did just that!  I stopped thinking negative and planned better.  I wrote things down, made small goals, which turned into big goals, the big goals turned into accomplishments.  All you have to do is STOP saying or thinking that YOU can’t and then YOU will see what YOU CAN do!  Whatever it is in your life that YOU are speaking “I CAN’T over…STOP!! Step back-take a deep breath- nod, and state OH YES I CAN!

I have no doubt that YOU CAN…I am proud of you already!

Until next time…keep Positively Shining!!!

Ms. Positivity

Friday, February 1, 2013

Because of YOU!!!

Well Hello There Shiners and Shinettes….

It has been a while since my last blog post and there is a reason for that, so here goes.

My last post was in December of 2012, and from that day, I have been a busy-busy woman, but at the same time, I honestly had felt that I lost my spark to blog. Yes, I know Ms. Positivity felt that she had lost her spark!!! GASPS how dare I…Well, I am here to say that I have not lost my spark…in fact I think it was just turned down a bit so that I could pursue other things to make Positively Shining that much better and it is!

See, for many that do know me, Positively Shining was just a blog, but over the past year, with YOUR support, YOU gave me the notion to make this bigger that I could ever imagine. When I would blog, it would be about positive things and how NOT to let them get to us and drag us down…. Well how about I still do that but NOW the passion is back. Let me explain.

When I set my heart to do something, I attack it with all of my heart. I had a out of the blue conversation with a good friend (Sammy) that I have only met over the internet and his spirit is much like my own. He stated “Hi Melissa! This page is not growing. I'd like to see it grow so I need you to post some stuff (with pictures though. I find people tend to ignore posts without pics on my page anyhow), which I can share on my page. ;) xoxox ♥”

See just with this message we chatted a bit and I followed his direction as to how to grow my page. I am very passionate with what I do so I prayed and went at it! As I followed his direction, I started seeing more and more people LIKING Positively Shining on Facebook!

Now do not get me wrong I do not blog to get more likes on my page, but to let YOU all know that it’s because of your LIKES on my Facebook page that has given me back my SPARK TO BLOG! Just this week alone I think about 30+ Shiners and Shinettes have LIKED the page because of its message. It’s because of YOU that I am excited about blogging again. It’s because of YOU that I prepare myself each day to motivate, inspire, encourage and empower. It is because of YOU that I am sitting here so excited to write and post this blog piece. See guys…YOU are awesome and YOU keep me going with Positively Shining!! YOU never let me down and I have to return the favor and NOT let you down….


I Love You are and again...Thank You for Turning my SPARK back up! 

Ms. Positivity

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Much Needed Call to Mommy


Hey Shiners and Shinettes…Yes it has been a while, but I have been taking a much need break and spending time with the kids.  After school, I vowed to spend so much more time with them and I have been doing just that.  Never the less….I’ve been motivating behind the scenes but I’m ready to get back at motivating the blog world as well if you will have me.

Well let me get to the meat of this post!!  I missed a phone call from my mom yesterday (Saturday night).  I looked at the phone, and decided to put the phone down and relax, before calling her back however; I got a pull that said, “Hey call her back NOW” so I did.  Let me tell you, it amazes me that, even though we are two different people, with our own families, and on many occasions have gone through the same things.  

While speaking with her, my mom asked me did I read my “Daily Bread” I said no not as of yet.  She said well you have to read it.  I located my devotional and began to read.  As I finished, I sat in silence and so did she.  This hit home for her (US).  In our silence, I began to tear up because; I knew what this meant for me. 

See, I have been going in one direction when God was telling me “NO.”  This is what I read….”When God says no to our requests, we can be sure it’s for the best.”  Yes, I have been requesting for a certain thing and I have gotten no response...well technically I have been told “NO”.  Now as I talk to my mom, she says, see I have wanted to sell the house and move to Virginia, but God has been telling me “NO”.  My mom stated, I don’t know why I’m still here, I was supposed to be in VA by now but I’m not.  I read this passage and she said that God is telling me “NO”. 

See in my situation, I am tired of helping (I am grateful for my job….BUT) and motivating behind the scenes and it is time for me to take another step in the right direction.  See guys, the more I have been told “NO” I wasn’t paying attention at all and wanted to do my own thing, and becoming frustrated by the minute, when all this time he (GOD) was telling me “NO” child I have something better for you.  Goodness, ever since I spoke to my mom on Saturday night, I have felt so much better.  Therefore, to my mom who I know is going to read this…(She is a fan) Thanks for picking up the phone!

Many times, we may want to ignore a call or just get back to it on our own time, but sometimes….it’s best to call right back, because you never know what positive message/word will be delivered to help your life!

Seen you soon…and I mean soon (THE BREAK IS OVER)

Ms. Positivity!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Willingness to Change

Hey there Shiners & Shinettes….I hope all is well with everyone!
As I should be working, I felt the need to blog.  Yes darlings, when the mood hits me I try to run with it.
 As you look at the title, you may say what is this all about, well let me tell you.  Many times, we may want to change but many things that keep us from change.  To be honest-I myself have fallen victim to this many times.  Granted I am as positive as can be but I am human as they come. 
As I read my word this morning (I understand that not every one is of the same religion, but this will help you as well) I cam across a devotional that had the title just like the one above.  Instantly it stopped me in my tracks, why, because I feel that we all have to have a strong willingness to change.  Many times, we may sit and get to a critical point on our lives before we actually stop and profess that we need to change. 
Let me fill you guys in on some things, and how this applied to me because, I know we all have different situations. 
A while a go I said that I wanted to change for the better, I took small steps towards this change and thought that this was all good well and fine.  HOWEVER, I still kept seeing myself frustrated, annoyed, sad, angry, and not focused.  I said that I was not going to keep falling back into the same situation and habits that kept me that way.  I would be good for a few days and I was right back at square one.  HA silly little girl, I said I had the willingness to change but who was I fooling.  Mind you----this continued to happen repeatedly, until this past Friday.  I had so called friends driving me to continue my behavior through their behavior. Deep down, it was never them; it was my level of willingness to change.  It was weak and that is why I continued to be aggravated by their actions.  See Shiners & Shinettes…people are going to be who they are and we can no longer sit and blame them for how WE act.  WE have to have the divine will power to change. 
Well I did it…I removed the issues….yes ISSUES from my life because I know that I have the will to change for the better.  I am not one to make excuses, I have always owned up to my part of the foolery that I added to my life.  I am owning up to my part and going to make a change.  I have removed some people from my life because I want to be healthy.  Some people and their behaviors are toxic and I choose “LIFE”.  To get my LIFE back to the way it needs to be, happy and fulfilling.  Not finding away back to square one. 
Now when we want that good change, we have to understand that it is not going to be easy, and we will feel uncomfortable for a while, test and much more will present themselves (I know this first hand) but hold strong and fight.   
All of this to say Shiners & Shinettes….if you want change, do what you have to do and hold on tight.  No matter that the vice is, smoking, drinking, losing weight, eating, living, or letting some other bad habit go.  Having that WILLINGNESS to change is at you fingertips.  A better life, a better mind and a better YOU is waiting to flourish!

Ms. Positivity

Monday, August 27, 2012

Never too Late to Celebrate

Shiners and Shinettesssss! Hello, Hello, Hello to you all!

Goodness, I know I have been away for a while, but it was good reason. Never the less I AM BACK and I do not plan to go away again.

As you notice the title, I have a few things to celebrate. I was supposed to have blogged when this all went down, but life has been moving so fast….so let me catch you all up as fast as I can. August is almost over and I tell you wonderful peeps that it has been so full of things to celebrate!

Let’s see, the first week of August, my daughter turned 13 years old! Now that is major. She had a great sleep over, equipped with food, friends, laughs, screams, hey ice cream bowls, scary stories, music and tons more.

To be honest, I have missed you all so much in the blogsphere. Keeping my head in the books took so much time away from being able to indulge as I used to before. But enough of that…I’m back and ready to get back to inspiring, motivating, uplifting, laughing and participating with all of you and I know may of you missed that but stuck with me during my journey.

 Next, I finally did it. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology (Applied Behavior Analysis). I finished everything on August 14th. I am so relieved that-that part of the journey is over as well. Therefore, I’m doing the happy dance because I did not quit. It was tough, but baby let me tell ya it is so worth it!

Lastly, but so not least Positively Shining has turned 1 year old!!! I started out a year ago, with one idea and it turned into something awesome and it will-IS only going to get better. I have the time to dedicate to this full time now and I am elated to express it. If any one knows me, I love to motivate you darlings to the fullest. WELLLLLLL, that’s what you’re going to get to the MAX.

With that said, I am inviting all of you to help me celebrate all of these wonderful things by welcoming Positively Shining back home….because without all of you there is NO ME!

Ms. Positivity